Welcome back to the Cheeky Chest Wrestler, The Lung Chester, The Goblin of Strange and Uncertain Times.
You were like a Public Masturbator.
Waiting in the bushes with your erect cock, waiting on us to drop our guard. Then splat with your spunk of sadness. All onto our faces and chests, dripping down our skin.
I hope everyone is holding up well with this new outbreak in New Zealand, as well as the continual outbreaks in your country.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t see it coming even though we were warned about a potential second wave and looking at the current strain, we are in for a ride lads.
So this one will be another impromptu blog this week. Same as last week.
I want to talk about the importance of wearing face masks. I know that there are thousands of opinions on this topic, and mine is just another opinion, but I will try to delve into some depth about where some of these other theories are rooted in. My take on face masks are derived purely from scientific data and at the recommendation of experts.
The reason for all these different theories are a result of Cognitive Dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance is that part of your brain that finds compromises to realities that make you uncomfortable.
An example of Cognitive Dissonance is smoking.
I know smoking is bad and it will eventually kill me, but I still find excuses to make out that it is not so bad or expensive.
“It could be Meth. At least I’m not wasting the money on booze or gambling. The science is wrong, my mom smokes and she’s well into her sixties,” are some of my mental gymnastics.
I can’t be fucked searching up the numbers as I type this, but I know that there is much lower risk of getting Covid-19 when you are wearing a mask, even more so if all people are. You can google the stats.
It doesn’t even have to be a proper medical mask, it can be a very simple cloth face covering. A scarf, a cut tube sock, I’ve seen people use underpants. Personally, I use my elasticated face covering that I usually wear under my helmet. I’m used to wearing that, and it is comfortable for me. I ride loads and I always wear it when I ride anyway. Not a bother.
I will apologise in advance to the readers who refuse to wear masks, as I will be taking off your arguments clothes and then proceed to pointing out it’s moles.
If you are one of those who refuse to wear a mask because it is itchy or it restricts your breathing, I understand your position. I don’t agree with you, but your excuse is legitimate. But if you believe shit like wearing a mask is a Globalist plot to enforce a One World Government of extreme totalitarianism, then I think you’re a fucking moron. And so does everyone else.
I’ve noticed that the mask deniers are of a certain type anyway. They tend to have strong right wing leanings and are often religious, and /or are massive fans of Capitalism. Capitalism rooted in individualism.
I used to use my Facebook to do my blog. I stopped doing that because I kept getting banned for inappropriate content as the Facebook analytics would pick up some of my fowl language. So I started this Wix site.
When I was using Facebook, I did a blog about a Chinese lady I encountered on one of my lunchtime walks. This was a year before Coronavirus, but she was wearing a face mask. We were walking at that awkward same pace and I was compelled to have a bit of a chat with her. I asked her why she was wearing a mask and she told me that she was sick and she did not want to spread her germs to other people.
For years, I thought that Asian people did this because they did not want to get any germs from other sick people. I thought it was a selfish act, when in fact it was a selfless act. For years I got offended by what I thought were self-centered pricks.
These acts of selflessness are the results of being part of a collectivistic culture.
Before I get into this a little bit more, I need to plug my Patreon.
The Goblin of Strange and Uncertain Times have fucked up my employment once again, and besides the odd writing job here and there, this blog is an important part of my income. I appreciate the one off donations from the ones who have sent a few dollars. Actually I got a few of the Queen’s Pounds as well. It is very much appreciated.
As I’ve mentioned before on one of my many blogs, Individualist and Collectivist thinking is derived from what the staple carbohydrate is in your country.
In countries that rely on rice as a staple crop, people tend to be collectivistic. Because rice requires a whole community to cultivate. You can’t mind a rice paddy by yourself, it is impossible. So you have to rely upon the help and support of the collective to make sure you are able to harvest and eat.
In wheat growing cultures, a farmer can mind his own crop without the assistance of anyone else. If your neighbour’s land lies fallow, you can put the onus on them for being shit farmers and there is no obligation on your part to help them out. However, if you do decide to help, there is either an element of shame on the person receiving the help, or there might be the obligation to return the favour.
This is why all people with individualist thinking don’t understand socialism. They are unable to fathom the fundamentals of Collectivism, or in another term, Socialism.
For the individualist, as the name suggests, it is about the individual. “What can I get out of this?” is the ever present question.
This is why the concept of the mask is so hard for them to understand.
Wearing a mask is not to protect yourself, it is to protect other people from you.
I’m not about shitting on Individualists on this platform, I’m an individualist myself. Individualism drives innovation, it is also where art lives. Unless you’re doing something like participatory art, creativity is an individualist attribute. This is why most inventions come from the West and the mass production of these tend to be in the East.
I’ve heard many times from twats that this virus should be called the Chinese virus. So if you believe that this is a Chinese problem, subsequently it will need a Chinese solution then. That solution being a collective way of thinking, where people are looking out for the whole of society, not just yourself.
I’ve only ever lived in Individualistic cultures.
Both South Africa and New Zealand have been colonised by wheat growing cultures, but I have extensive experience with people from rice growing nations.
Just before the pandemic I was involved in a Student Exchange Programme and I hosted a few students from Japan. Not only did they pull their weight around the house, they bought things for us and also for the house. They didn’t need to, I was getting paid to host them anyway. What shocked me the most was when they were gone, they left gifts for us which they knew we would find after they had left, deliberately making sure we could not return the favour.
This was very different to our way of gift giving. Whenever we gift each other, there is an air of obligation that the level of gifting will need to be returned.
I’ve also noticed a massive difference when it comes to charity.
When we went out to town and happened to see homeless people, my Japanese students would give generously without having the need to take pictures.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with people posting their generosity on Social Media, but there is an element of self serving clout with that.
I understand that wearing a mask in public is a bit embarrassing, and I bet that deep down inside, when you see someone wearing one, you feel a bit envious and wish that you had the gall to. I understand that it goes against your individualistic aspirations and you view the mask as a symbol of the fading of liberty. It’s fucking not. And the quicker we can sort this, the quicker you can get back to be an individual.
Sit with the anxiety of wearing a mask, this one can only be sorted when we operate in harmonious synchronicity.
Fuck, even if you believe that masks don’t work, wearing one doesn’t make the virus any worse.
That’s all for this week.
Mind yourself.
Wear a mask please.